Like it or not, facemasks have become part of our new normal. Mask acne and facial rashes from protective equipment are frustrating but treatable. Regardless of how much time you spend wearing masks, caring for your skin properly is the key to preserving blemish free skin.
Masks can cause new skin issues and exacerbate existing skin issues. Irritation, redness, bumps and breakouts are caused by facemasks from: friction, pressure at the seams & straps, humidity trapped inside the mask, and sensitivity to the chemicals and dyes used to make masks. If you are prone to rosacea or eczema, masks will likely exacerbate these conditions.
The key to combating “mask face” is to properly care for your skin.
Make sure your skin is properly cleansed and moisturized before applying your mask.
- If you are experiencing a reaction from wearing a mask, use gentle, hydrating products and avoid anything too active on your skin.
- If possible, skip makeup (no one can see it anyway).
- If you are experiencing excessive irritation from prolonged use, add a thin layer of balm to your skin. This added layer of protection will prevent the fibers in the mask from irritating the surface of your skin.
As soon as you are able, remove your mask and rinse with lukewarm water and a cotton washcloth.
- This will remove any residue or irritants from the surface of the skin.
- Try to avoid washing your face with cleanser several times a day, as that is also problematic for the skin.
- Remember, good products penetrate the skin, which is why they are effective. Removing the salve and residue with a washcloth will not wipe away your morning products.
- Follow with a liquid spray on moisturizer with antioxidants to hydrate and sooth.
DO NOT skip your evening regiment.
- Be sure to use a pH-balanced cleanser, repair serum and hydrating overnight mask with or without an additional moisturizer.
- Depending on the severity of irritation you are experiencing, exfoliants may be discouraged for the time being – at least on the areas that are irritated.
If you are having issues, shoot me an email with photos. I’m happy to help you work through any issues you may be having as a result of wearing protective equipment. Below I have attached products I am currently using on my own skin to combat breakouts and redness from wearing a facemask 10 hours a day.
*My recommendations are available for purchase & pick up at the studio and free shipping on orders over $100.*
Quiet Wash by Hale and Hush
A cleanser that does much more than clean, Quiet Wash gently showers skin with an expert blend of botanical extracts that combat the inflammation, irritation, itchiness, and redness common to reactive, sensitive skin and exacerbated by environmental toxins.
Repair Serum by Viktoria De’Ann
Formulated to signal programmed accelerated repair and restructuring of damaged skin.
Spray on Moisture by Mod Vellum
The Spray on Moisture is a new, next generation, moisturizing technology that is mind blowing! Essentially it’s a topical spray moisturizer that’s used anytime over or under makeup. It’s also the perfect in-flight travel companion for those who wish to be pragmatic about dehydration prevention.
Hush Hydrate by Hale and Hush
Hush Hydrate is a delicate and moisturizing formula chock full of botanical extracts, antioxidants, and skilled inflammation fighters. Our gel contains a potent anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic compound found in black rice, proven to comfort aggravated skin.
*My recommendations are available for purchase & pick up at the studio and free shipping on orders over $100.*
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