“Your pimple is truly radiant,” said no one ever!
At one-time pimples were just a normal part of being a teenager, but nowadays it is common for men and woman to experience breakouts well into adulthood. Sometimes acne makes its debut at 30, 40, and yes, even 50! Breakouts are pesky, painful (literally), and always seem to pop up at the worst moment! What are they and what can you do about them?
What causes a breakout?
Breakouts are caused by a buildup of skin cells. The buildup of cells prevents oil from flowing freely onto the surface of the skin. The backup of oil and skin cells creates a pressure cooker in the pore. When the pressure cooker blows you wake up to your worst enemy sitting between your eyebrows or at the tip of your nose. Not everyone has inflamed breakouts as some people experience blackheads and whiteheads. Regardless, if left untreated a few breakouts can turn into a battle zone on your face.
Hormones, food intolerances, the wrong product for your skin type, too little or too much exfoliation, toiletries, supplements, and medications are all potential acne aggravators. Some may cause your acne, like hormonal shifts, while others just instigate your breakouts, like food intolerances. Everyone is different and isolating what is triggering your breakouts will take some detective work!
What can you do about acne breakouts?
Cleanse twice a day and use products designed for problem skin, but cleansers should never make your skin feel tight. Do not make the mistake of over treating and drying out your skin, which will only make your acne worse. People with drier skin should look for a lightweight cream that does not clog pores. You can also balance acne treatment serums or creams with hydrating gel moisturizers. If your breakout is red and swollen avoid mechanical exfoliation, as this will only inflame your skin further. Try icing your breakouts twice a day for 1-2 minutes instead.
There is no quick fix but acne is totally treatable. If you are frustrated with your breakouts, find a professional who is knowledgeable and eager to help you!
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